Genome Canada competition yields 11 large-scale applied research projects

Mark Henderson
July 29, 2015

Genome Canada has announced the winners of its latest Large-Scale Applied Research Project (LSARP) with 11 projects receiving $93 million including $30.8 million from Genome Canada. The Genomics and Feeding the Future competition targeted projects in agriculture, agri-food, fisheries and aquaculture. The next LSARP competition will make $80 million available for projects in natural resources, energy and the environment and is now in the field.

British Columbia and the Prairies received the bulk of the funding, winning eight of the 11 awards (see chart). Award sizes ranged from $5.6 million (Ontario - sustainable fishery for Nunavummiut) to $10.3 million (Alberta – reducing methane emissions in the dairy industry).

"It's amazing where we have come with the applied program. We have now targetted all of our sectors," says Dr Cindy Bell, Genome Canada's interim president and CEO. We're now cycling around. We'd like to do another one in health."

The competition marks the first time since 2008 that Genome Canada has mounted an agricultural-related competition and the first time LSARP has achieved a 2:1 leverage of Genome Canada funding. The 2012 LSARP competition also achieved a similar ratio only because of considerable funds from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the competition's joint partner.

The recent competition was enhanced with $5 million from the Western Grains Research Foundation. Bell says WGRF provided the money upfront and participated in the selection process to determine where to best place their support.

With the completion of the LSARP competition for natural resources and the environment next year, Genome Canada's funding will be fully committed.


2014 LSARP Competition

78 registrations

54 pre-applications

27 full applications

11 successful projects

Funded Projects


SoyaGen: Improving yield and disease resistance in short-season soybean

Lead Genome Centre: Génome Québec

Total funding: $8.3 million

A Syst-OMICS approach to ensuring food safety & reducing the economic burden of salmonellosis

Lead Genome Centre: Génome Québec

Total Funding: $9.8 million


Enhancing production in Coho: Culture, Community, Catch (EPIC4)

Lead Genome Centres: Genome British Columbia, Génome Québec

Total funding: $9.9 million

Sustaining and securing Canada's honey bees using ‘omic tools

Lead Genome Centre: Genome British Columbia

Total funding: $7.2 million

Genomics of abiotic stress resistance in wild and cultivated sunflowers

Lead Genome Centre: Genome British Columbia

Total funding: $7.9 million


Application of genomics to improve disease resilience and sustainability in pork production

Lead Genome Centres: Genome Alberta, Genome Prairie

Total funding: $9.8 million

Increasing feed efficiency and reducing methane emissions through genomics: A new promising goal for the Canadian dairy industry

Lead Genome Centres: Genome Alberta, Ontario Genomics Institute

Total funding: $10.3 million


Application of genomics to innovation in the lentil economy (AGILE)

Lead Genome Centre: Genome Prairie

Total funding: $7.9 million (includes funding from Western Grains Research Foundation)

Reverse vaccinology approach for the prevention of mycobacterial disease in cattle

Lead Genome Centres: Genome Prairie, Genome British Columbia

Total funding: $7.4 million

Canadian Triticum Applied Genomics (CTAG2)

Lead Genome Centre: Genome Prairie

Total funding: $8.5 million


Towards a Sustainable Fishery for Nunavummiut

Lead Genome Centre: Ontario Genomics Institute

Total funding: $5.6 million

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